Aristotle and Dante Discover the Secrets of the Universe by Benjamin Alire Saenz

Marissa Torrez
2 min readApr 15, 2021


In the novel, Aristotle and Dante Discover the Secrets of the Universe, we are introduced to a Mexican American teenage boy named Aristotle (Ari) trying to figure out who he is and what life is all about. Growing up isn’t easy and can be confusing for most; as Ari tries to navigate his way through high school he quickly notices this. He struggles a bit with not having friends; he is very to himself and quiet. Eventually he meets Dante; another boy that is trying to find answers and his purpose in life. Though Dante is much more open and communicative than Ari they hit it off as friends. Ari tends to be annoyed by how Dante is sensitive and cries at times, but he is also intrigued by Dante’s compassion. Throughout the friendship Dante encourages Ari to communicate more and better; he also introduces Ari to several different novels and poems.

Ari doesn’t seem to get along with his parents or sisters; more specifically his father who is a Vietnam War Vateran. It bothers Ari that no one in the family will talk about his older brother Bernardo, who has been in prison for the last decade. He doesn’t know much about his older brother; Ari doesn’t even know what exactly his brother is in prison for. In the novel he tries to ask his parents and sisters about Bernardo but doesn’t get any answers. Ari is also curious about his father, who is typically quiet and keeps to himself, similar to how Ari is. He knows that his dad had some bad experiences during the war and has nightmares, but he doesn’t ever talk about them. This makes Ari think that his father is selfish and unwilling to communicate with anyone. When Ari sees how Dante is with his mom and dad he is surprised and confused because his family is not that open and affectionate towards each other. As the novel progresses Ari and Dante’s friendship changes as well and they each find the secrets of the universe.



Marissa Torrez

My blog will be on books that I have read. It may be a review, personal experience, or even a poem!