March Book 1

Marissa Torrez
2 min readMay 1, 2021


The graphic novel March Book 1 by John Lewis, is a great read for young adults and gives the reader a look into what John Lewis lived through and fought for. The book starts off with Bloody Sunday which was when state troopers and possemen attacked a group of unarmed marchers once they crossed the county line. Many of the marchers were beaten with billy clubs and had tear gas thrown at them; John Lewis was a part of the March. The story flash forwards and John Lewis is older and attending the Presidential Inuguration of Barack Obama. Throughout the book John Lewis is reminiscing about his early life to some youg boys and then just to himself; the story jumps from the past to the present. He thinks about how it was growing up on his family’s farm and what it was like for him to go to school. He eventually starts talking about the events he was involved in like Bloody Sunday, other marches, and sit-ins. Also highlighted in the book are other important historical figures that were a part of the Civil Rights movement. Lewis talks about how he met each one of them and what they were doing for the cause.

I would highly recommend this graphic novel to anyone that is interested in hearing Lewis’ perspective of the marchs and other events he was involved in during the Civil Rights movement. This is an easy read and can educate young adults about Lewis’ lifelong kstruggle for civil and human fights. The illustrations in the novel are very powerful and beautifully done; they help the reader get a better idea of what took place during the Civil Rights movement. Especially the opening of the book when Lewis and other marchers are on one end of the bridge and the police, possemen, and dogs are on the other side.



Marissa Torrez

My blog will be on books that I have read. It may be a review, personal experience, or even a poem!